April And My Experience Getting Covid For The First Time

It feels like so much happened in April, and at the same time, I feel like so much is about to happen.

Paola Faben Oliveira
4 min readMay 1, 2022
Pictures by the author.

I think the best way to describe April is as a transition month. Lots of things happened, but also, lots of things are still happening, and I believe that in the next months they will come to an end, bringing the wind of change, maybe.

But let’s talk about what actually happened and also one thing that should have happened more.

Starting by the end, I got Covid for the first time

I don’t know about you, but I really thought I would beat Covid for good. Like, it would be over, vanished from Earth and I would be able to say that I didn’t get sick from it. Well, not quite!

I think I got Covid somehow in our trip to Cayman Brac, which I wrote about here:

We were back at home Sunday, and on Monday I started to feel my throat sore. I did an LFT test but got a negative, so I thought I would have a cold or some throat infection.

During the night my situation started to get worse hour by hour. I wasn’t able to sleep. Feeling chills, headache, much more pain in my throat, and having a hard time breathing properly because of my stuffy nose.

I only got about 3 hours of sleep and had to get out of bed early to attend a job interview, while in this pitiful situation. I spent more than one hour talking about my professional experiences and qualification, sitting in my chair with a blanket on my legs to keep me from shivering during the meeting.

The rest of the day was all about feeling terrible and laying around to try to get some rest.

The following day I was due to pick up a couple of friends at the airport. They live nearby and were coming back home for the Easter Break. I was still feeling terrible, so I did another LFT test, this time getting the two stripes that told me I was Covid positive.

What happened for the following days was: rest, much water, some painkillers, and repeat. I got in a bad shape for about three days until I started feeling a little better. But even with the worst flu I ever had, I was cool and grateful for only feeling “normal” symptoms since I got my three shots of vaccine.

But, of course, all this Covid situation happened only in the last weeks of the month, and before that April held lots of nice things.

Like my first 5km street run here in Cayman

In January I started jogging again, and it was at the beginning of the year that I enrolled in a 5km run held by Cayman’s Turtle Center. I would run and also help the turtle preservation.

So, in the first three months of 2022, I started a training routine, intending to run my best time for 5km. Training went well sometimes and bad on other days. But what matters is that on April 3rd I woke up around 4:30 am — kinda miracle for someone so nocturnal like me — and prepared myself to start running at 6:30, with a group of friends by my side.

The run was hard on me, I’m used to running at the beginning of the evening, just after the sunset. So running with the sun up — the Caribbean sun — heating my whole body was a challenge. But after crossing the finish line, all the tiredness gives place to the joy, and this feeling is magical.

And that one thing that should’ve happened more

Me, writing.
Since I started writing seriously again, April was the month when I wrote the least. I’m running a personal analysis to understand why that happened, intending to prevent it from future months.

What I could identify is that I felt so tired during April! You know that kind of tiredness that prevents you from doing even the things you like the most? For me, it’s like reading, writing, and cooking new dishes.

I believe that all the tiredness came from a certain level of stress that started to take place with some new possibilities and changes that could happen in the next months — anxious people will understand me. Anyway, maybe all this Covid isolation had a bright side: I was able to rest a lot and I feel already starting May with more energy!

And about my writing, I’m thinking of adopting some strategy to write more during the next month. Maybe journaling every morning, maybe setting a goal to publish every day at Medium. Let me know your strategies to keep a writing flow here in the comments!



Paola Faben Oliveira

I'm a Brazilian living in Tallinn, Estonia. I write about my life experiences, lessons and some random reflections.